Originally Posted by BobMt
Originally Posted by jfruser
Meh, the kids suffering and getting less of mommys attention are her real kids.

Let hatians manage hatian children.

I always see this as a look at me move.....bob

whites adopting black kids...I should clarify .....its like they need to make a statement about how they are all inclusive.......bob

Originally Posted by ringworm
Actually it's very chic nowdays to have a black kid.
We vacation in a pretty affluent part of the SC coast and the only blacks we see are kids of white people.

I get the same vibe from all of that myself. Probably a mix of white guilt, catholic guilt, and the seemingly ubiquitous need to signal some virtue.

That said, its none of my business and I have high hopes that future Justice Barret will be standing in the way of the communists and my guns for a couple of decades at least.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn