Originally Posted by Milwroad
Arguing covid protocols or the ultimate impact of covid is a losing proposition. There are many good points made by people on both sides of any covid debate. Yes some of it is political, yes some of it is science, yes the likely death rate is small, yes it is highly contagious, etc. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. One thing I learned hanging with Marines for 25 years (from Guadalcanal vets to Fallujah vets) is that being tough is not about talking tough or acting tough or even braving death. Tough means doing what you have to look out for the guy on your left and guy on your right. So when someone talks to me about covid precautions that is where my thougths go. I take precautions to protect those around me recognizing full well that the mask does not protect me and knowing full well that I am healthy and probably not at serious risk. That is why I think voluntarily agreeing to covid protocols is a good, sensible idea. If it helps shorten the pandemic all the better, but I really do not know if it will do that or not. .

I am actively seeking out the Coronavirus. I prefer to get it now (and believe I might actually have it as I type) before winter gets here and I'm also fighting other flus and other illnesses. I also am in excellent physical condition now and might have deteriorated condition to my health later.

Bottomline I prefer to get it and get it overwith. There will not be a practical vaccine for a decade. And my health 10 years from now will be less than it is today. The likelihood of a reinfection is extremely low regardless of what the media tries to make you think and if indeed I do have the coronavirus as I type... it is virtually nothing.

A temperature of 5 or 6 days between 100 and 102.5. Sour throat, some GI drama and some very minor respiratory. But on a scale of 1 to 10... 10 being the worst flu I've ever had... at most this is a 2.

You and your Marine buddies are welcome to hide from anything you like. You are also welcome to confront the enemy face-to-face. Coronavirus is not going away and you will be hiding for an extremely long time. Choose any path you choose to pursue and best of luck to you. That is a sincere statement.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.