I could care less about ISRO, Ginther, Leroy, Eric308, Canadian Lefty. It's obvious why they're here, and just as obvious their agenda.
It's the guys like Cowboytim that post here and truly believe they're doing the "right" thing by not supporting trump. If there was a moderate Democrat left in this world and actually running you could stomach it as a difference of opinion....but to cast a vote for a democrat ticket like this, in what is probably the most crucial moment in American history and could easily lead to us losing not only our freedoms and god given rights, but our very form of govt? It's absolutely inexcusable. Anyone that supports the leftwing agenda, the push to destroy capitalism, the push to destroy my culture and my heritage and my birthright, is my sworn enemy. I'm not tolerating or pretending to entertain their treason any longer. [bleep] every single one of them. Family or friend, old or young, no matter their race, gender, sexual preference. [bleep] every single one of them.