Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Originally Posted by gunner500
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DO NOT BREED^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

But they do, gunner.... blush

The same disdain they have for Trump, the same stuff they're accusing him of, is exactly what those arrogant woke idiots are themselves...

And, Adam Schiff, lying thru his teeth about "Russian misinformation" is but a smoke screen for the real Russian misinformation, which is Dem stuff, not Rep....

Psychologist call that "projection", which is accusing another of what you are up to, projecting on others what you're dealing with.

I don't see how Joey wins, how he could get security clearance as compromised, damaged goods. I guess if he's elected, he automatically gets security clearance, but otherwise would not quality with all his undeclared entanglements, elicit under the table deals with hostile foreign powers.

Someone would really have to have one's head way up one's arse to not see this. I mean, way up, not sorta up....

It's a strange time in which we live. When darkness covers the Earth and deep darkness the people....

I think we're there, or getting there. Dems are a black cloud of deceit and denial. We can see it, evidently they can't or choose not to... And no, denial is NOT a big river is Africa... wink

All we can do is be light in a time of darkness and vote.


You're exactly right DF, too bad we're not genetically programmed to be able to produce sperm cells only after our IQ's have surpassed double digits. crazy

Trump Won!