The swamp creatures have financing, organization and courage ------------all of which are lacking from "the right".

What Trump "did wrong" was not what he DID.......... but what he refused to do.
Drain the Swamp!

Lincoln was not within the bounds of the Constitution when he made war on the South, and in hind sight we can see the legal problems with that policy in our history. But Lincoln, in his personnel writings knew he was taking a legal chance, but did what he thought was best to preserve the nation. Overall- from a standpoint of law, I side with the south in that conflict. BUT I can give full credit to Lincoln for doing something that took courage and was a personal risk.

Not so with Mr Trump. He did nothing to take out the leadership and financiers, and the Swamp is now more powerful than they have been at any time in all US history. Even under Obama the democrat leadership would not have openly called for destruction of the nation from the inside out, while standing in the capitals, and the halls of congress. They are powerful enough now to do that and they are doing it, and not one is in jail or even at any risk of jail. THAT my friends is 100% Trump's fault.

Passing the buck when you are in charge of ALL federal law enforcement and ALL military forces is the mark of a failure and the ONLY reason he was elected in 2016 was to drain the Swamp. All the other things he fixed would have gotten find anyway after the communist traitors were removed and no longer obstruction the good of the nation.

Trump could have been the single most important president in USA history since Washington and because of the ties between the Democrats and communist China, Iran, Ukraine and Russia, he would have been inside the law to use military force (enemies foreign and DOMESTIC) to clean out the swamp. Would he have been sued for it? Probably. But a real leader leads and takes the risks. False men send others to take the risks. He had the chance to be the best president in history since Washington, but now he'll be remembered as it's greatest failure, and all the good he did will be erased very quickly if Biden/Harris get in the W.H. Trump's "good things" will not count for a thing, because they will all be reversed and the last situations will be far worse then they were before Trump acted.

Trump addressed many symptoms of the problem but left the real problem alone -----------and in many cases even protected them.

The problem is high treason and the traitors that promote and commit it. Returning 20% of your stolen goods and leaving the robber alone, (as well as giving him some protections) is not a good way to stop a crime spree of robberies, and in effect, that exactly what trump did.

If he does keep his office this letter should be copied and pasted and mailed by the tens of millions to every american, and every congressman, senior, cop and media outlet in the nation. Trump need to know we are tired of inaction in the face of open treason!

War is coming and the severity of that war is going to hinge on the courage of the patriots, if they will fight or if they will simply bend over and take it. It's 100% obvious the communist are willing to use violence and crime, so I speak definitely when I say the patriots will be the deciding factor on the severity of the war. Bending over has been the strategy of so-called conservatives and so- called Christians so far. That's why you have fewer rights today then you did in the past. No war was fought. Surrender because of a threat when you all control the money in the tax base, was the way of your past-------with no fight at all. And the taxes you pay are THE reason they can keep taking rights from your kids. Paying them because you are TOLD TO is a sight of cowardly surrender and nothing else.

If Trump keeps his office we need him to know he's there for ONE JOB, to up-hold and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC and to drain the swamp is not one of the jobs we hired him to do, IT'S HIS ONLY JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If he did that all the other problems would be easily fixed because of the lack of resistance from the communists.

The Democrat leadership should be destroyed. Article 3 section 3 speaks directly to the crime of Treason and as a man sworn to uphold and defend it, Trump (and all elected officials) should be waging war against those that wage war against the USA and ALL THAT AID AND COMFORT THEM! Today those traitors are collectively called "the Swamp" and it's Dem/Comms in office, many of the heads of media and the internet and many federal cops as well as a lot of state cops too in some places. Because Trump didn't use the military to defend the union (the only REAL job of out military) it's going to fall to the common man soon.

As we can see.............there is no longer any standards of just law in the nation, and the leftists are proceeding with the phrase "Might makes Right" So be it. That's the entire reason the 2A was written into the highest law of the land.