Originally Posted by dodge268
What facts am I missing? Claiming self defense in a situation you created doesn't fly. The ends do not justify the means. It's like getting into a pursuit with a guy who is speeding. If that guy crashes into a family and hurts/kills them, the fact that he is an axe murderer is irrelevant, all that you can use is what you actually knew at the time of the pursuit. He did not know who or what those people were when that shooting went down. He put himself in a situation where he was forced to defend himself. You can't jump out in traffic and get pissed when a car hits you. If that kid had stayed home minding his own business none of this would have happened. It sucks for him but he gets no sympathy from me.
So, as a good citizen you go and stand with others between a rioting looting mob and a business the mob intends to illegally demolish and ruin and then you are rushed and attacked by criminals you are somehow at fault for defending yourself with reasonable force?

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."