Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
Originally Posted by k20350
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
Originally Posted by k20350
They have done more, employed more, spent more money on veterans than 99% of you combined. Hafer spent more than 8 years of his life in Iraq and Afghanistan. Smart guy.

But, suck just one kak, and be known as a kaksucker for life....

Sounds like you have firsthand knowledge

Are you so naive that you think no other company hires veterans? Hook, line, and sinker! He donated to veterans like Tulsi Gabbard and McCain. Donated to Obama too. People that are totally okay with voting away your rights. At least anti-2A companies don’t paint a rifle on the building to dupe folks.

HAHA. Its very apparent you have no idea what they do. How they market, who they hire or their own contributions to the country. Now if you knew your ass from a hole in the ground about them you would know he openly admits that after 8 years of near constant combat operations he went through a very hard time in life. Even having his contract with the CIA terminated. Which after getting his [bleep] together started the company and started hiring other veterans with similar problems. But I'm sure with your extensive background in extreme pressure you never made a poor decision or a mistake. This entire sub is becoming bitter old guys that are eating their own. 7 days ago most of the guys one here would have kissed the ground they walked on with their military resumes. Now this ridiculous Rittenhouse thing comes up and they become cancel culture snowflakes. This website is becoming everything they hated before. Buncha whiny cancel culture bitches

Last edited by k20350; 11/23/20.