Kchuntis has simply spent her "life" being a "victim" and looks to be coddled. More power to her and her needs,but I'm personally not predisposed to help the HELPLESS and give less than ZERO fhuqks about her precious feelings. Hint.

She's a CONSUMMATE Crying Karen,always quick to introduce her Surging Estrogen Levels and fill out Hurt Feelings Reports by the fhuqking bushel,if only because she is a Whining CLUELESS Lying Kchunt and it can go NO other way but for her to repeatedly melt fhuqking down. Thus the innate HILARITY. Hint. LAUGHING!

She KNOWS better than to muse ANY Rifle/Outdoors particular(s),due her HILARIOUS versions of "knowledge","experience" and "results",so pandering as the "victim'' is her SOLE fhuqking "move". Set your watch by it. Hint. LAUGHING!

Hell...she's too Fhuqking STUPID to simply shut the fhuqk up,take notes and apply same!!! Hint. LAUGHING!

Bless her poor poor(literally) heart,for doing her BEST though.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."