I see we have more Kingston fans jumping on the bandwagon. Funny how it's not what I'm saying it's how I'm saying it apparently that has gotten your dander up. Also, usually when folks lead off with a personal attack because they don't like the message, it's because the truth hurts.
I stated a fact, backing up another member's post. Beaver bless his heart wanted to stick up for his big buddy. I saw his fragile state and gave him a pass, even congratulated him on trying so hard. I'm sure the rest of you were called in to back him up because there is safety in numbers. If you decided to jump in on your own well then you must be cut from the same cloth. I've gotten a few messages thanking me for calling him out for being a freak/manic depressant and attention whore. I don't need anyone to stick up for me, we're all sitting back and laughing at the lot of you. Happy New years!

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.