Originally Posted by Jim1611
The whole idea of the federal government telling us where we can go or not is absurd. - - - The government has ruined way more that the public could ever dream to when it comes to this. Also who built this trail through "sacred" grounds? We know who polices it. Why is it even there if this is such a delicate place?

This ranger is the same type they'll try to send to collect our guns someday. Comply or else.

Protection of any of our natural resources is a balancing act between allowing access to the public while protecting interesting, fragile and endangered flora and fauna. In areas that are not fragile or endangered, access is generally quite unrestricted. In areas of special concern, there will be restrictions to protect sensitive areas. The public has ruined plenty of our lands and natural resources. Wild habitat is continually lost to private development. As more wild, special or unique habitat is lost, it becomes more critical and important for those areas that have been set aside as parks to be protected.

FYI, most all LEOs are comply or else kinda people. It's what they do.