You should make a fashion statement for all the local Dollar General habitues. A well tailored dark blue suit, starched white shirt with French cuffs and tasteful gold cuff links, a handome tie of the day's fashion, and highly polished black Florsheim shoes. Dressed in this manner, the locals will be so impressed they'll want to emulate your dress and soon, Dollar General will be a noted gathering place where all the locals in fine dress gather to shop, chat, exchange local news and recipes, and become civilized friends.

If your tailor is talented at his craft, no one will ever suspect you're carrying a Colt's Govt. Model 1911 in a shoulder holster under your suit coat. smile

Please post a couple of pictures regarding same. wink


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)