Originally Posted by auk1124

Yeah, I never understood the loyalty to mom n pop community stores. Most of them around here were happy to sell you a half gallon of out-of-date milk for five dollars, and old Grampa behind the counter there wouldn't piss on you or your neighbors if you were on fire.

You're right about that. Where I previously lived, next-door neighbors build a small convenience store attached to their house. The next nearest store of any kind was seven miles away, so it was very successful, although people couldn't stand the woman who ran it. I once saw an elderly gent come in for a coffee. Well respected, lifelong member of the community, life member of my fire company. She handed him his coffee, and he reached into his pockets and said he forgot his change purse. She immediately snatched the cup from his hands! I paid for it. Another time, her husband and her brother had made plans to go rabbit hunting with me. Hubby came out to the truck and in a hushed voice, said "Sorry guys, Gert won't let me leave the store."

"No good deed shall go unpunished!"