Bristoe: Knee's are a human weakness/frailty!
My advice to all smart enough to listen "baby your knees"!
I mean, take care of your knees as absolutely best you can.
I tore up and broke a knee on duty just over some years ago - and the Doctor that operated on me did his best to repair the meniscus and the broken bone of that knee.
This was in 1997 at the age of 49 1/2 for me.
The Doctor who treated me is/was an expert knee surgeon being the long term repairman for several professional ball team (football, basketball & baseball) members.
After he got done with the operation and on my first return check-up he explained to me that "I" was going to have "trouble" with that knee later in life!
He also explained to me that meniscus repairs are seldom long term successes on people aged 50 and above.
He relayed how he didn't like to even try repairing torn apart meniscus on people over 50!
Well that Doctor was sure right on as several years later I started experiencing arthritic pains and various other pains/problems in that "repaired knee".
I put up with the pain for several years. That pain even made it difficult to sleep let alone walk or crawl!
2 1/2 years ago I went to another knee specialist (my original Doctor had retired) and the x-rays and scans revealed the injured knee now had 4 bone spurs, no meniscus, no cartilage between the leg bones at the knee, injury induced arthritis and something else - I forget.
In other words "knees" don't repair themselves nor do they heal by themselves - they most often only get worse and more painful.
I had to have my old knee removed and a new artificial knee installed!
I pray you have NOT suffered an irreversible injury - I do suggest getting to the BEST knee Doctor you can find!
My new artificial knee is virtually pain free and I sleep like a giant baby anymore - that, believe me, is a blessing.
And another blessing for me is that my uninjured knee is perfect - no arthritis, no pains or problems what so ever.
Good luck.
Hold into the wind