I had both knees replaced in 2015 --7 weeks apart. Best decision I ever made, My knees felt so much better after the operation that the therapy was a piece of cake.
The therapy I had for the second knee overlapped the therapy for the first knee. I had 24 therapy sessions total at two a week and when they were done I decided they would never get as good as I thought so I started walking/hiking out in the hills. That was the ticket! A friend and I (also had one new knee) ended up hiking 900 miles in 3 1/2 years. Just counting hikinging only. I was 70 yrs old and he was a year younger.
In June I fell real hard and broke a hip. That was a piece of cake compared to the knees as far as healing goes, and I am now back walking with my wife several miles a week which isn't much, but it helps her get in shape and it keeps the peace around the house.
I don't know if all orthopedists work the same, but the hospital I was in started therapy within several hours of the operation. Now that was a pain, but I was only there for two nights.
During my weekly walks I was probably in better shape than anytime in my life. I didn't lose a pound either and I was (am) overweight.----still.

I agree with ADNA that you don't want to wait too long to get those knees working. Hiking where you hunt or on unused country roads is what we did. Started at sunrise and if it wasn't too far below zero we hiked.