We don't have enough information (and we likely never will) to make claims about what caused the deaths of the people who have died after getting the CV shots (not vaccines). It's just that simple. We can make assumptions, but that's all they will be.

What we can irrevocably state, without making any assumptions other than those inherent within reality, is that everyone dies. Some people will die at times that will skew data curves. There is no causal relationship that can be proved by their deaths. We can't say that the injections harmed them, or that they would have been harmed by the injections if they had not died.

What we can also irrevocably state, without making any assumptions beside those that are inherent within reality, is that every medical procedure involving injection of a foreign substance into the body, will significantly harm some percentage, and kill some percentage. Doctors know this. Drug companies know this. The substance injected does not have to be considered possibly dangerous for this to be the case. More will be harmed or killed if the injected substance carries its own dangers and risks. There is a reason why drug companies are not held liable legally or fiscally for drugs classed as vaccines (even though the CV injections are not vaccines, they are lumped under the same law by recent Act of Congress).

This is why no medical procedure should be mandated. Humans are not even remotely alike when it comes to how each of us copes with our environments, and side-stepping the immune system's basic defenses by injecting something through the skin and directly into a person is going to irreparably harm or kill some number of people.

I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.