Originally Posted by mauserand9mm

If we talk about a dangerous game cartridge I think
it is widely accepted that it is 375H&H and above, .

Yes, but prior to .375 being made legal minimum
it wasn't all that popular in Africa...so we are talking
like 45 yrs after the introduction of 375H&H that it
it really kicked off.

Quality mass produced German 9,3x62 could
be had for far less than a low production English
.375 bolt rifle...the rifle that made .375 more
affordable was pre-64 M70..but why buy one in
1936 when the established 9,3x62 already does
the job, is still legal and ammo common ?

Sales really took off for the pre-64 when .375 as
legal minimum came in, commercial ivory hunting
was on the decline and client safaris on the rise.
Harry Manners and Wally Johnson both used
pre-64 .375 for harvesting ivory and used the
same when they switched over to being PHs
looking after safari clients.

The Win. rifles were good but not great as far as
African professional hunters were concerned.


When Harry Selby had his .470 double damaged
he had a back up .375 to finish the safari , but
considered it unthinkable to finish the season
without a heavy..I take that to mean that .375
was not considered a big-bore.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.