Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by ldholton
Originally Posted by deflave
That's some great fugkin' journalism.

"There's no power."

Well no fugking schit there's no power. WHY is there no fugking power?

And don't tell me those fugkin' windmills froze because that's a bunch of horse schit.

Pretty sure that journalism would be more accurate if it would say there's not enough coal or natural gas because they used to burn a lot of coal in what is now being burning natural gas and now the natural Supply and stand Across the Nation. Thank you Greenie Democrats and Obama you should gather the names of all these people in your area like this and thank them personally


But as a whole, a southern schit hole consumes waaaay more energy in the summer than in the winter.

And everybody knew it was going to get cold this week.

So how the fugk is there no power?
red state voters being punished...

God bless Texas-----------------------
Old 300
I will remain what i am until the day I die- A HUNTER......Sitting Bull
Its not how you pick the booger..
but where you put it !!
Roger V Hunter