Don't claim to have all the answers but I understand the shortage . Year and 1/2 -2 years a go nobody was panicked about buying ammo they just bought what they thought they needed for the season or immediate use. The short sighted view because that is the way they have allways done it. There have allways been more than a few of us who really enjoy burning ammo thru our various firearms on a regular basis so we keep supplied on a regular basis knowing all the time what we need in ammo or supplies to make ammo were mostly in good shape inventory wise. The short sighted types call us " hoarders". Our ammo goes out the barrel at a pretty regular rate so we buy lots of components and ammo we don't load. So that in a neat orderly proficient matter our guns go bang on a regular basis. Keeping up with the normal demand and supplying it were no problem for the ammo manufacturers. Overtime is damned expensive and cuts into your profit margin as a business expense so they don't work overtime when there is no excessive demand , to stockpile ammo that is not selling. Year out from the 2020 election and rhetoric is heating up. The left hates guns the dumb ideological turds think guns kill people , never ever forget this. The rest of us exist in reality and understand that a gun is a tool that takes a human being to operate a gun to kill people. You have to hold that person responsible not the tool. Simple really. We watched a whole spring and summer of violent protests, looting, arson , vandalism , robbery and burglary by leftist organizations while the LEO types stood around with their thumbs up their ass as they were ordered to do so by their leftist politicians. Seeing all this every nite on the news makes everyone with half an ounce of sense very nervous. So they go and buy some ammo for the 22 or the 12 ga. A lot of people pull their head out and buy their first gun for protection. Watching some bunch of ass clowns burn down their house or business is not going to happen on their watch. They buy ammo to learn how to shoot or "just in case". 8-9 million new owners of firearms and an increasing amount of more firearms by people who are allready firearms owners because of the political unrest caused by the left. All of a sudden in the time span of 6-8 months people who sell ammo and guns have it flying off the shelf and wholesalers with their hands in the air saying we don t know when will get more. Ammo manufacturers turning up the pace of production but facing key component shortages that slow or stop product lines. The manufacturers are working to pump out the product as fast as they can (they like making money) just like the rest of us do. In business you take care of back orders first on the catch up game. When a lot of us see oddball low demand cartridges on dealer shelves it's that they were availible and ammo dealers will sell whatever they can get
Some cartridges are low demand and they only make them once or twice a year or every 2 years. Remington runs off 300 Savage and 35 Remington just passed thru here in the last 3 weeks if you didn t get any your fugged to scalper prices. The government has big orders with manufacturers for 5.56, 7.62, and pistol rds. Government orders needed or not allways take precedence over sporting ammo. This reduces the amount of production for civilian use. Then there is old guys like me retired on fixed income who all of a sudden see a chance to buy low, sell high and make some extra cash the IRS don' t get their hands on. Most of you fault them for engaging in a practice as old as prostitution. For trying to meet their anticipated monetary needs. All for ONE reason it 's because you failed to do preplanning to meet your ammo needs and buy the components to keep you shooting or for hunting with your firearms. Your total or partial lack of responsibility to your selves is the fault no matter how you cut it. I've engaged in helping friends and acquaintances in getting the stuff they need to load or ammo to shoot but that doesn't include selling the stuff I have for my own use. So in the nutshell it's really simple if you don t have what you need it's because you failed in your responsibility to keep your self supplied with what you need. The day you can buy what you want, when you want for what you want to pay is GONE long fugging gone
Not just ammo either try to buy some canning lids as well. Magnum_Bob

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "