i was in 3 stores over the weekend. one store had awhole bunck of 223 and 9mm ammo, a mixing of some other common stuff. second store had much the same but did say they are kpeeing a bunch of ammo in the back so when people buy a gun they can sell them a box or two of ammo to shoot from it. 3rd store had a prety large selection of powder and primers and bullets in all but 30 cal. they had big signs over the powder one pound per week and were keeping a sales log. owner says he has turned folks away when they come in da after day to buy a can of powder, also says he knows the same folks probably have their wives and friends come in and buy it, but he is trying to do what he can to ake sure everyone ahs a chance to get stuff

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell