Originally Posted by downwindtracker2
It's telling that almost the whole Canuck hockey team has come down with it. In Vancouver the B-1 variant ,first discouvered in Brazil, is half the new cases. With the old variant one or two players would come down with it, and be side lined. By following the NHL protocols, hockey team were avoiding COVID. From what they know about it, it spreads mostly in the 20-39 age group. It's 2 1/2 times more contagious. More of those that get it, get sicker, with tragic results. And they are younger. Women are getting it at a higher rate than the old variant. I don't think the BC shutdown is going to be strict enough.

A couple of questions, and I admit right from the start that I havent heard anything about the hockey team you are referencing.

The first question is how do we know the real numbers of who has what, when the tests are inaccurate ? Not only inaccurate, but according to our own government give a very high number of FALSE positives ? I think that question deserves a rational answer before we continue down the road we have been on that is devastating not only our economy, but also the health ( both mental and physical) of the people.

The next question is why should we believe stricter lockdowns will help when the data clearly shows that states with less restrictions fared just as well, and in some cases better than those that went over the top??

Then I would question the claim that the new variants are more deadly. I havent seen any data that shows that?? The statistical data on covid is now very clear. Without interventions of any kind, the survival rates of all age groups is over 98%. In hospitals where ivermectin is used, its even higher. Now that we have the clinical trials on ivermectin we know that covid deaths could have been reduced by 75% in the US alone. Think about those numbers and then with a straight face tell me Fauci and all the other government doctors should be believed. They were aware of the success doctors were having with it months ago and did nothing but marginalize them. Now that the results are undeniable, they still refuse to even mention ivermectin. Why??

The average age of those who have died from covid is 78.5 years old. Interestingly enough, the average life expectancy in the US is exactly the same 78.5