Companies typically pay as little as possible, it's business.
And it's about the only expense they control.
And today, employers don't feel any obligation to employees, at all.
If your income is insufficient, assistance will fill the gap.

It's what Bernie Saunders meant when he said the richest benefit
from Socialism in this country. The Waltons underpay their employees,
The government makes up the gap and keeps them fed, and healthy. So they
can work.

Bernie a nut, but he wasn't wrong on that one.

That said, starting wage at the local C-store just hit $10.50.
Even for school kids.
In a low wage area.

My employer is one of 2 top factories in our county.
We needed resumes to hire 2.
Employment agency had...3.
One didn't return a call.

Meanwhile, the paper mill just over the county line is closing.
400 people out of work.
Some drive past our plant to get home from the mill.
None of them have resumes out?

Not with generous unemployment. No questions ask. + $300/wk.

Then there is the old friend whose son graduated with a forestry
degree. Last year. And "can't get a job". Any job!
Local them company is begging.
Positions up to $18+/hr. To start!
And this lazy [bleep] with a snooty degree can't get a fuggin job!

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!