Originally Posted by simonkenton7
TStarbucks. This store is right next to the high school so a kid could get out of school at 3 and walk right over and work until 9 and his mom could come pick him up.
The assistant manager told me "The kids are afraid of work."

I don't know what the pay is. When I was in school I worked for 2 years at minimum wage as a bag boy at the local grocery store. I had 6 buddies from high school who worked at that same store and some of the girl students were cashiers there. Everybody I knew had a job in 12th grade.

I think the kids today are lacking a work ethic.

If the kid gets off work at 9, and does all his homework, how many hours of sleep does he get? When I was in high school I worked building cabinets six days per week. I got about four hours sleep per night because I had at least a few hours homework every night. Including classes it was more time spent than I did in college for a biology degree.

Granted I was in all honors and AP classes but still. And I had to beg off work before exams to study or I'd fail. That was over twenty years ago. Before we gave up on public school our kid had the same workload.

Our homeschooled kids don't have homework because we actually teach them instead of expecting parents to do it with homework.

I think maybe the problem isn't so much the kids as how they are detained and trained by lazy teachers in government schools.

Living in a world of G17s and 700s, wishing for P7s and 202s