Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Blackheart
So apparently you fear something {home invasion} that only happens to what, one in a million ? Yet you mock those who wear a mask in fear of covid ? LOL. Pot meet kettle.
A firearm is very effective against a home invasion and self defense situations are way more common than one in a million. A mask won't stop a virus any better than it will a bullet. I have a good many medical professional friends and family and they all agree the mask hysteria is mostly bullsheit. These folks are doctors, RNs, NPs, etc. CV-19 is mostly a mild illness with a few serious and fatal cases that are outliers. Home invasions and other assaults carry a high probability of lethality. So yes, some of us that carry do mock scaredy cats that run around in masks especially the ones that have the gall to bother someone not wearing one.
There hasn't been a home invasion in my home town in my lifetime. Pardon me if I don't feel the need to carry a gun 24/7 in my home, especially not in the bathroom/shower. Hell my dad never carried one in his whole life and miraculously he's still kicking after 78 years. Neither did either of my grandfathers and they both lived into their 80's. It's none of your fuggin business what somebody else wears, where they wear it or when.
Well sir: you are totally right about it not being my business if you mask your face for whatever legal reason you do. Of course as long as like minded folks are privately mocking you mask people I suppose it is their right. I do not ever address anyone about their mask or my feelings if they don't address me. I do talk among like minded friends about how stupid I think it is. Also having been dealing with lawless people for over 30 years I also discuss among friends and others that bring up the subject the wisdom of being armed and practiced well enough to repel a criminal or animal attack with trained firepower when appropriate.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."