Originally Posted by sayak
Have you ever watched the TV ads of legal firms who are continually bringing class action lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies on behalf of the victims of drugs that were once considered safe but were then found to cause all kinds of physical problems? And those were drugs that went through years of rigorous trials before being approved by the FDA. some times it takes a while for the problems to manifest themselves in people. Yet there are already tons of problems with these "vaccines", and it is still early on in the game.

I will not be getting the "jab". But it does seem that those who don't get one of these concoctions will be restricted, marginalized, berated, and coerced by those who have done it, and by the powers that be. We got a taste of that with the maskers, but this will be worse. I really don't mind when people take all these measures, that is their problem, but I do really mind when they attempt to force others to follow them, or else. This is about fear and control. Those in power tasted just how much control they had over the populace during the pandemic, how the populace readily and willingly went along with the lockdowns and other measures, and now those leaders don't really want to lose that power.

Anyway, how will we know how successful the vaccines are? Will the survival rate for Covid 19 go from 99.7 to 99.8? According to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System — VAERS — which is managed by the CDC and the FDA, about 4000 people have died as a result of a COVID 19 vaccine. Many more have experienced extreme side affects.

I think someday down the line there will be some really bad mojo for those who have been vaxed. There will be lots of lawsuits as well... that is, if the government doesn't try to cover it up. You know, that government that experimented with LSD on soldiers, allowed African Americans to die of syphilis, exposed Alaska Native women to doses of radioactive material and sterilized countless other Native American women... yeah, that government.

BTW, if a person doesn't go along with the program, or questions how things are being done, it isn't long before those who are cooperating with the authorities start throwing out the Qanon diatribe. I had to look it up to see what that was. All this time I thought it was a good idea to be skeptical and question authority.

not to worry about ambulance chasers with this one... they are being held harmless for any bad outcomes...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.