Originally Posted by raghorn
I’ve had covid and so has my entire family
I’ve also chosen to get the vaccine for the main reason that I’m no longer considered to be a contact and if exposed no longer asked to quarantine
I do wear a mask if I go into a business that requires it otherwise I don’t
Ive got news for you sickness and disease will haunt ALL of us until we die.
Nobody is gonna make it out alive.
I don’t think the corona virus vaccine is what’s gonna do me in though

Enough said.

The princess of Karen's!

Not against vaccines, researched them before allow our kids to get them.
If this was an established vac, I'd be in.

It ain't. It's new medicine. Look into past early stage testing on this
type of.....medicine. It's been awful rocky, hasn't produced a whole
lot of success. Until now.
It's making billion$. That's success!

For some, the risk of covid makes the shot a reasonable decision.

For women, men of small stature, and perpetual scaredy cats,
I guess the vac might ease their fragile little heads.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!