Originally Posted by sayak
Originally Posted by BCJR
Do people really believe that tbe FDA and pharma take so long to get a drug to market because of extensive testing and utmost care as to not adversely impact a population through harmful side effects or death? That is crazy thought/talk. The real reason is the cumbersome beaurocracy and vast amounts of money it takes to get a drug to market. I thought the foil hat folks would realize this.....

Good points, but you are forgetting about the lawyers and the billions Pharma will have to pay out in class action suits when it is found that their "wonder drug" has harmful side effects or kills people. That is another major reason why they are generally slow to roll out new meds. We live in the most litigious society in the world, and it slows down everything, from small businesses to airplane manufacturers to Big Pharma for fear of being sued and losing profit or going bankrupt.
