Kaboko68: Imagine what "changes" in attitudes, perceptions and popularity of armaments that someone 74 years of age (me!) has seen in their lifetime!
I went into a gunshop a few months back and there was NOT a Rifle, nor a pistol, with any wood on any of them!
Black guns and black pistols are the rage nowadays and have been for some time - I agree they have a place and have uses but NOT to the exclusion of traditional arms - IMO.
Times they are a changin, for sure.
And sorry to hear of the loss of your Father and Uncle - I hope they are resting in peace.
You touch on another point there - we, including you and me - only live ONCE!
I plan on intentionally enjoying every minute of every day for the rest of my life!
And that includes buying, collecting, shooting and Hunting with guns that "I" prefer/enjoy/admire.
Including the 4 Smith & Wesson pre-lock Model 686's I now own.
Hold into the wind