Kudos to R Grouse with respect to the pre-64 Model 70s. For hunting in really demanding conditions
like Alaska, iron sights are a practical if not a sine qua non feature. My standard and former wildcat
M-70s are for larger big game. Weather and tough terrain have not disturbed their utility. Even Griffin & Howe side mounts
with Leupold or Lyman Alaskan scopes work with fascinating reliability in inhospitable country.

If the pre-64 M-70 was that dated an action or rifle, why do custom rifle makers seek that action and the Mauser
over most newer existing designs? Like the Filson coat label states : "Might as well have the best".

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena-not the critic"-T. Roosevelt
There are no atheists in fox holes or in the open doors of a para's aircraft.....