Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by Mach3
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Mach3
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by SandBilly
I order all mine off Ebay

I buy mine at deeply discounted prices from taxidermist who had customers not pick up their mounts.

Make a story and I’m a hero



You can't be serious. Who the hell would want something that they didn't actually shoot?

Same could be said thusly “who the hell would ever mount a set of horns they shot over a feeder or behind a fence”

Depends what the laws are in a certain state. How is it any different if you plant a food plot and you KNOW what time of day the deer will be eating it because you watch your trail cams all year? As long as it's legal, no difference.

Agree about being behind a fence

You started this thread asking for a good “deer ranch” where you could “literally pick out the one you want to shoot.” How’s that different from buying a rack off of the internet or a local pawn shop?

Lots of whitetail outfitters have plenty of trail cam pics where they let you pick which one you want to shoot. Doesn't necessarily mean you will actually get a shot at it.