calnumb: Here is how stupid YOU are - my income derives next to nothing from social security ($350.00 a month or $4,200.00 a month!) so that is your first mistake!
IF... I were only making "$30,000.0 a year" I would go back to work - my income is far in excess of that - and thats not even counting the VarmintWifes income!
Next mistake made by your idiotic brain - I pay what I consider an enormous amount in taxes!
I fight for, donate to and vote for politicians who try to diminish my tax burden.
I also fight for, donate to and vote for politicians who I am sure would reject "mo money" being given to undeservings in the form of "reparations".
My advice for you is to NOT put your idiotic notions down in postings when you have NO idea what idiocy you are blathering about.
I wish you were 1/2 as smart as YOU think you are - sadly you are not.
Hold into the wind