Originally Posted by renegade50
Your doing the right thing man.
It is hard dealing with the elderly and infirm.
And games they play if that is happening.

Many of us have BTDT on here.
So alot of us know what you are probably going thru.

Don't lose your composure with him.
He probably wont remember.
But you will.
And ya cant change what might be said.
Sometimes the best approach with the elderly is appeasement to let them " win".
It's hard going that route but it advoids ugly build up of resentment and words that cant be taken back.

Just try to do your best and bite your tongue if matters are happening like that.

I wish you the best.
You dad also.

I usually don't have the patience to follow your posts closely, but this one is gold. Applies to so many more situations than the one in the OP. Thanks.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.