Graphene oxide sounds like some bad stuff to have injected into your body. Opposing reports about whether or not it's in the ''vaccine'' are what I read. I think there are liars on both sides of the issue. Whether or not Graphene Oxide is in it or not the fact remains that this stuff could have horrible side effects down the road. I'm going to wait 8 or 10 years to see what happens (probably won't make 8 or 10 years). If I were predicting it would be that we haven't begun to see how bad this is going to be. If China gets away with this, and they will, just wait there will be really deadly stuff turned loose.
I wonder if it is possible this vaccine will open people up to deadly viruses and the vaccinated won't have an immune system that can rise up and fight it.
The people involved in releasing this juiced up virus and now on the front lines demanding you take their vaccine are not your friends and don't want health and prosperity for you.

Patriotism (and religion) is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Jesus: "Take heed that no man deceive you."