Have any drugs been taken off the market the past 16 years because they have been proven to be extremely harmful?

So we should trust large pharmaceutical companies that have a well documented past of killing hundreds of thousands, hiding their research that clearly stated that their products weren't safe and killing and maiming millions of innocent people with their toxic dangerous products that had previously passed rigorous FDA protocols?

I had Covid and the science and facts indicate I have much stronger and robust anti bodies than hysterical old kooks like you. instead of reacting like an anti science covid queen like you I took preemptive action to beat the virus in 2 days.

how does one "crock" from covid? lmao

btw you can teach a 10 year old girl to bang steel at 1000 yards in about 30 min. not rocket science

Originally Posted by battue
16 year old story, which can't be denied.....and the backlash caused a major change in how drug manufacturers market and develop new drugs...Which I think was mentioned in the article.

I don't want or expect that you or any other should be required to be vaccinated in this particular situation..However, out and out omission of the entire story, and cherry picking off the wall blogs, from those who have questionable credentials give little credence to some opinions.

I chose to be vaccinated after talking with many knowledge individuals in the medical field...People I personally respect, people who themselves were vaccinated after critical evaluation of the pros and cons. I've seen enough medical BS here that my choice on who to follow was easy..

Yours obviously is also...

However, as an example, If I want to inquire about LR shooting and scopes...I will throw my vote in with the likes of Jordan and a few others here, the ones who know the game and not those who are mostly guessing.

Don't get the shot...but if you perchance crock from Covid...there won't be any I'm sorry or feel bads for you and yours...You made the decision....If I die from the shot, no problem with you feeling the same. I'm on a relatively short rope, I doubt the shot will be what gets me.

Last edited by ribka; 10/27/21.