Originally Posted by BobbyTomek
Originally Posted by LFC
Another Asian made schitt scope...

Just how many GPS scopes have you tried and compared against others? Or are you --once again -- just regurgitating hogwash for the sake of argument and bumping your post count?

The Japanese-made Passion 6x 2.5-15x56 that I had either equaled or outperformed scopes costing twice as much in terms of resolution and other critical optical comparisons. And -- just based on glass performance alone -- was one of THE best low-light scopes I have ever tried.

But hey, stick to your unsubstantiated vitriol and keep smiling...

Bob: How is the illumination dot on the 56 mm scopes? Is it too bright, like the Meopta's, for very low light hunting, or can the brightness be lowered enuf to not be overstated/too bright in low light conditions?