Democrats long term strategy has been to destroy America from within. We need to pursue the same strategy to their party- let the Democrats destroy themselves (with our help) from within. The first step was putting Biden and the Ho "in charge". He's such a dufus, no one can respect him, not even Democrats. And pretty much everyone hates Kamala, well, because she's a bitch and a whore. The second thing they did is allow the nutjob commie wing like AOC and Sanders have to much say in the agenda. Now that they have suffered a significant loss of an establishment candidate, who was a Clinton whore, and had Obama, Biden and Harris all campaigning for him, the establishment is going to push back against the commie wing. And you know that ghunt AOC and knucklehead Sanders won't back down, so the infighting will intensify. With this writing on the wall, and the mid terms coming up, other Democrats will step up distancing themselves from Biden and Harris. They may even be rogue against key legislation simply as a public demonstration that they are not a mindless puppet of an increasingly unpopular administration. What would be icing on the cake, is if they push Manchin to the point where he switches parties and they lose the senate before the mid terms.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."