Originally Posted by Fireball2
Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
From another thread

Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
It's nice to win a battle, but the war continues. The Left never rolls over and says, "We are on the wrong path, let's change our position on the issues." No, it's "How can we fool them better next time?" (Or, "How can we manufacture more bogus ballots next time?")

The Republicans can never assume that simply doing a better job and having positive results to point to will be enough to keep them in charge.

Originally Posted by Fireball2
I'm glad for Virginia. I hope it's a trend.

Don't forget how the left STOLE the 2020 election from our president. It had nothing to do with our side failing to do this or that, they fabricated fake ballots and STOLE the election, essentially overthrowing our LEGITIMATE government. We are now under communists rule. Not the same as communist rule. We still have laws that favor freedom on the books leftover from our freedom-loving capitalist founding, unlike communism, but we have communists in power dismantling that as fast as they can.

Sounds like you guys believe cheating went on in Va, into the double digits, 30% range. That's nothing to celebrate. The fact that R overcame the odds and won regardless must be tempered with the realization that any victories will be short-lived if the cheating bastards aren't summarily hanged with prejudice. So far, we're not seeing any accountability for that.

That's what's disturbing. We'll take the victories but don't lose sight of the bigger picture, we're in a bad place.

Well said, Fireball.

The biggest problem our country has is not systemic racism, it's systemic stupidity.