Non-resident hunters usually draw first rifle and especially first rifle PLO (3/4 of PLO tags in unit 4 are non-resident) . 2nd rifle is OTC and mostly resident, which is where the cost difference comes in. Also, I know you're all excited about private land, but I didn't include PLO tags, just general tags. While some of those are used on private land, it's very few. The difference in success rates between PLO and the rifle seasons tells you the hunters are not hunting private land.

To help you understand, 100% of those who attempt to draw unit 4 for private land get it. No out of state get 1st rifle public without 1 PP. So if you were going to hunt private land you'd be insane not the draw a PLO tag unless you believe there will be no animals on the land in 1st rifle or your're somehow constrained to a later hunt date.

I know you're going to keep up your clown dance though, which is the best part laugh I'll keep being right, and you'll keep being stupid and on we go...

Last edited by Llama_Bob; 11/11/21.