Originally Posted by Clarkm
In the TV series, Bret Maverick kept a $1000 bill pinned to the inside of his coat for emergencies.

When my wife wanted raw fish Japanese food from a restaurant that took cash only.... I had to carry cash....$50 bill would pay for two and a tip.

The restaurant owner was driving a Ferrari, and I assumed he was cheating on his taxes.

But now they take no cash, only credit, because they got robbed.

There's a restaurant in Idaho Falls that still only takes cash. My friend told me the owners are democrats and too cheap to pay credit card fees. I had to explain to him how they were surely running double books and cheating on there taxes. He said do people really do that. I said they are democrats aren't they.

I don't like to go there with people anymore because I always have to buy because others never bring cash even when reminded. One friend thought he had a good thing going until I name him use their $3 fee at and buy after about 3 times of me buying.
