Good afternoon again sir, thanks for the reply and the kind words you've directed my way, I do appreciate it.

You are very much correct in that our world has changed considerably since that 2003 fire and perhaps not always towards betterment.

We, at least up here, are very much dependent upon the ether space for all sorts of things that we were not then or even half way back then.

For instance, our youngest daughter is a high school teacher and the other day the internet went down all over the city she was teaching in - because of the flooding down in the Lower Mainland and Greater Vancouver area.

She was dismayed to learn that her class of Grade 8 students had no clue how to use a text book!!! shocked

Our eldest was telling us about it as they were chatting on the phone about it last night. I'm not sure who is or was more dismayed about it, the teacher, her sister or her parents, you know? eek

You are also very much correct in that one should have a plan for more than a week and for a fact we've got some contingency plans mapped out that might do for awhile, but I'm fairly certain not anything approaching a year.

As I mentioned to Geno, I tend to be quite skilled at worrying, but much less so about worrying about the correct things somehow.

Thanks again for making me think, for the kind words and all the best to you all this Thanksgiving.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"