Hey Crappy,

Is this you?

6/13/20 - (God provides Crappy with a socket set)
“I had a bunch of rachets, extra too, but was missing some sockets that had cracked and a set similar to what you are asking about with sizes that I didn't have surprisingly. Now I'm not saying this to sell you mine because I need these. I just want to encourage and for you to get what you're looking for.

I asked the Lord specifically as if He were in my shop with me one day for the socket set and mini driver that I needed once in a while for mowers, etc.
Guess what Fireball?
Next thing I know, I'm driving down the road and at the busy intersection near a sport arena. I see something that caught my attention. After pulling into the parking lot, I looked down and saw a bunch of sockets strewn all over the road and a box off in the lot. There were no trucks around or jobs or I would have asked if they lost their socket set and helped pick them up.
I picked them up and put them in the insets of the kit. I was surprised to see that they were all there except for maybe one that I already had a duplicate of!!!”

6/23/20 – (HC rants on long haired Jesus pictures. Has another homo fantasy. HC thinks about homos….alot.)
"The idea that Jesus had long hair does NOT COME FROM THE BIBLE. It comes from homo-sodomite artists that enjoyed painting naked men with long hair. During the Renaissance long hair was the fashion of these queers commissioned to paint "Jesus", which is another Jesus....a wicked substitute of their imagination."

[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.
