Originally Posted by Fubarski
Originally Posted by dassa
You know what would be cool? If there were some infallible source of information about God and religion that everyone could reference so we wouldn't have these disagreements.
Disagreements foster enlightenment.
Good morning dassa,

People in the early Christian movement certainly had theological disagreements among themselves. And people in the Christian movement today clearly have theological disagreements among themselves.

Politicians disagree on politics, economists disagree on economics, doctors disagree on medicine...and people disagree with others on these things...and nearly everything else as well.

Kinda like people on the same team regarding politics, or people on the same team regarding economics...or people on the same team regarding pretty much anything else. Different people sometimes see things differently...even people on the same team. There’s nothing wrong with that. At all. We’re not all a bunch of stamped out cookie cutter automatons. Diversity and disagreements within the body of believers has existed since its inception.

Do you agree with every other conservative (many millions of them in this country alone) on every single facet of conservative thought…? I doubt it. Does that lack of absolute consensus discredit conservatism…? Nope; not at all.

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.