Originally Posted by JSTUART
Originally Posted by Western_Juniper
Hypocrits. You're all just a bunch of sissies bitchin' because people don't use your preferred verbs and pronouns. You're no different than the word-nannies you're groaning on about. You're so woke because you "kill" stuff and talk about it with the crudest terms and that makes you more authentic or macho or redneck or genuine than anyone who isn't exactly like you, or do you prefer that I say "exactly like (f)aerselves"?


I was a Professional Trapper for fifteen years and under the relevant act I "harvested" kangaroos...I can assure you that when I hunt I kill what I hunt.

If there is an issue here it is yours.

No problem here. I said I kill on page 3. I don't get my panties in a bunch because someone else uses a different term. I'm not so sensitive that I even have a preference, but we're on page 8 now of whining ninnies that want to crow about how killing they are and can't stand how liberal anyone who uses a different term is.