Browning designed and built all kind of guns, many still relevant.
Best of my knowledge, he never said stupid Shït like,

Our guns are hunting guns, not target guns. They are accurate enough.
The triggers are good enough. (Paraphrased, and condensed)

Also don't think he refused to sell any models to civilians, or limited ammo
capacity to civilians.

I see Ruger as an arrogant was. He was at the helm for the years of using
substandard barrels. But he ran them out the door. Screwing customers.
He had some good designs, but sure wasn't very particular about his
products. He is gone, and I bet they still screw up 45Colt throats.

Ironically, there are more of his product in my safe than any other brand.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!