Originally Posted by Diesel
National divorce would not work. This is world wide. The common man is on one side and the elite on the other across the globe. It will be those common men who must stand up or become slaves.

Something odd stands out to me. The left leadership almost to a man (or woman) appears to be short on smarts and reasoning ability, yet they occupy positions of power. In trying to understand how that happens one thing comes to mind. They stick together to a fault and chant the same mantra repeatedly even though the message is absurd. When questioned on their positions, they have difficulties articulating their views. They are conditioned and guided to mindlessly follow the script but do not grasp how their scenes add up to a complete picture.

To example my point, Gavin Newsome standing by looted trains and asking what happened and how did we get here. Idiot in a position of power without a clue. We see this in every area of decay.

Their power is in messaging. It doesn't matter if the message is bullschit, if you control 90% of the news, 90% of social media, 90% of the education system, and 90% of the entertainment industry, you can program generations of minds if by nothing else through pure repetition. And if people see that 9 out of every 10 sources say they same thing, weak minded or lazy people assume it is true. Therein lies their power. The US Democrat Party has a more comprehensive propaganda system then any totalitarian state in the history of the planet.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."