Originally Posted by Jim1611
I have felt for many years that Lincoln was the father of the huge federal government we have today. The war gave him what he needed to implement it. He the same as admitted it when he made the statement that freeing the slaves was not it's purpose. It's purpose was to preserve the union. So ever since we have been taught that
he was a great president and that he saved the union. That has been a diversion, in my eyes, to what the real purpose was. Never ever forget how near sighted most of us are. We view our world within the course of our own lifetimes. Men that form the future, whether for good or bad, do not. Lincoln was part of a master plan that is still playing out. This plan was forged in hell by the devil himself. There are no party lines in this. There is only good and bad. The Founders were on the side of good. They modeled this nation with God's approval. Any leader that goes against that has only one side to be in league with. Lincoln has also been portrayed as a man of God. I need to see evidence of that.

Well said.

Both slavery and Lincoln were tools for evil IMO. I certainly do not like slavery. Our country would have been best off to have never brought them here in the first place. Even Lincoln said something to the effect that Africans were not compatible with the white race that founded this country and we’re still paying that price. Having said that Lincoln paved the way for the destruction of the US a country founded with Gods blessing.