Originally Posted by rainshot
Lincoln was a victim of the circumstances of the time. States rights do not include defying the declaration or the constitution. The slavery issue was one that festered for years and grew into a derision that apparently could be cursed no other way except to destroy a generation of Americans. Lincoln lost his life protecting American sovereignty. We are still suffering the effects of Lincoln’s murder and the terrible reconstruction period that could’ve been much less painful had he been allowed to live.
The democrat party still embodies the principles that led us into slavery and eventually civil war.

The Declaration was not and is not law and never has been law.

Secession is a power of the States as found in the 10th Amendment.

Not all the slaves in the South were worth the bones of one Illinois rifleman, let alone a generation.

Lincoln was killed after he destroyed the republic and ushered in the American Empire. Caesar, but without the physical courage and military accomplishments.


“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
----Fred Rogers