It should also be noted that when UGA scored the winning TD in OT last saturday against UGA, the cups, and whiskey bottles rained down from the Alabama student section on the UGA players to the point Saban had to comment on it in a press conference the next day. His reply about his own fans? "No I don't think its classy to throw things, and I don't think its classy to call someone in the middle of the night to complain." When asked if someone had called him he said he didn't answer the phone at his house. Its come out that the OC Major Applewhite got a midnight call, allegedly from a drunk big money booster, complaining about his play calling. Saban ole bud, when you signed up for the richest job in college football, did you not expect such calls? I mean big money means access. Rank and file fan didn't have Applewhite's home number I can assure you. And your constituency isn't known for actually having class, though they throw the word around a lot as if they know what it means.

Last edited by .280Rem; 09/25/07.

War Damn Eagle!