Jackmountain: "I" have never bought a piece of jewelry for myself - other than if YOU consider a watch "jewelery".
I no longer even wear a watch and haven't since I retired 24 (twenty four!) years ago.
I do have a wedding ring that my wife bought me and I keep it in a safe place in one of my safes.
I think earrings and necklaces and bracelets and "gawdy" rings on men is extrafaggy - no offense meant sacharlie, fubarski, turdquinn et el.
MANY years ago I got the "hots" for a piece of jewelry made with one of the Bull Elk "Ivories" I had harvested over the years - but again the [bleep] of that stopped me from going through with having anything made.
I would MUCH rather spend my hard earned dollars on guns and ammunitions.
In fact I bought some munitions today in the next state south of me.
Rewarding and enjoyable that.
Hold into the wind