God we had fun there though! It was a drizzly cloudy day and the #10 seemed just the ticket to lighten our moods.

I came out of the bathroom and wife wasn't there and I'm like WTF?

Then I turned down the hallway and there she is getting dressed for the Wild Bill reenactment. They're rushing me to get back there to get changed into the clothes and I was going wtf are we doing?

"Wild Bill" then tells us who's characters we are and what is going to happen. I happened to be the only one that didn't run out after Bill got shot. So anyway, it's all going down and this dude comes in with a gun and shoots Bill in the back of the head.

Except the blank didn't go off. There is an awkward moment of silence and then Bill yells "BANG" and his head hits the table and he starts whispering "go go"

So the "actors" take off and it's just me and Bill. I leaned forward close to his ear and whispered "you got a big fugkn hole in your head Bill"

He starts cracking up laughing and tells me to STFU!.


That was one of the funnest days of my life.

The deer hunter does not notice the mountains

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve" - Isoroku Yamamoto

There sure are a lot of America haters that want to live here...