Originally Posted by cs2blue
After 34 years in the LE business, I to firmly believe that the 60% of world is nuts. Of the remaining 40%, 15% of them are situationally nuts, depending on the issue. The government should implement mandatory night time spraying of concoction of psychotropic drugs over all densely populated areas to try to keep this Chit show in check. Otherwise we send the crazies to an island and let deal with each other which would thin them out real quick. In Maryland, all state run mental hospitals are closed due to funding, those frequent flyers were cast out in the society with zero resources. The exception is one hospital for criminal insane, Walter T Perkins. Except the police who are the stop gap for all the other agencies that have been allowed to not do their job. The police are not the answer to the mental health pandemic we are in. In a lot of instances, we are the wrong tool for the job, but the only tool in the box, 24/7/365. So, who do you end up calling when there is someone with a psychiatric issue?

I think you're correct with the 60/40 estimate.
The problem is that half of that 60% choose law enforcement as a career.

Padded VA Hospital Rooms for $1000 Alex

Originally Posted by renegade50
My ignoree,s will never be Rock Stars on 24 hr campfire.....Like me!!!!

What are psychotic puppet hunters?